Our Environmental Services -- An Overview


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This is an overview of the services we most frequently provide. If your company has other needs, our experts have a wide variety of skills that allow us to handle unusual and challenging projects. Give us a call or email and if we can't help you, we may know someone who can.

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Air Permitting - Texas & New Mexico

If you need an air permit to operate in Texas or New Mexico, we are a one-stop shop for air emissions compliance documentation that  satisfies the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) requirements affecting the oil and gas industry. We've calculated emissions for thousands of tank batteries and prepared hundreds of permit applications and other air emissions compliance documents to keep our clients in compliance with air quality rules and regulations.

Our data management system gives us the ability to gather operational data in the field, perform H2S sampling on-location, draw process flow diagrams, and pass this information along to environmental experts in our office making us efficient and competitive.

SPCC (Spill Prevention
Control & Countermeasure)

When your company needs SPCC services, we deliver with our certified SPCC Plans, SPCC applicability determinations, and containment calculations. We also go the extra mile by providing annual training to help ensure our clients are meeting EPA requirements.

Environmental Site Assessment (ESA)

Your business is too valuable to expose to the risk of inherited environmental liabilities. We offer full ASTM Standard Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments (ESAs) for commercial properties.

In addition, we offer Specialized Environmental Site Assessments (SESAs) specifically tailored to address environmental issues that may affect oil and gas properties.

Water Well Testing

Sport Environmental has licensed Water Operators capable of keeping your Public Water System (PWS) well operating in compliance with federal regulations. We've also successfully helped clients bring these wells into compliance and resolved outstanding EPA and TCEQ issues saving clients tens of thousands of dollars in water import costs each month.

Geoprobe for Discrete Depth soil sampling and Water Sampling

If you have serious soil sampling needs, we have serious soil sampling equipment. Our GeoProbe 540UD is exceptionally mobile and allows our environmental experts to efficiently collect soil samples at discrete depth intervals. This ability is especially important when delineating the extent of hydrocarbon or produced water impacts to the environment. It also helps us clearly communicate to regulators which areas have met agency cleanup standard when we perform confirmation testing and prepare site closure documentation for clients.

If needed, our GeoProbe can also be used to collect groundwater samples in some cases.


Drafting, GIS, and Mapping

Our skilled drafting and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) team is available to provide advanced mapping and drafting services.

Sport Environmental knows that geography matters and that the better our understanding of spatial science, the better we're able to serve our clients. That's why we've developed GISport -- a useful tool for our environmental experts and our clients who have selected comprehensive environmental compliance packages.

We also prepare technical drawings, scale drawings, maps, and other custom visual aids.

Remediation of Soil & Water

When a release of crude oil, hydrocarbons, condensate, produced water, acids, or other substances occurs, environmental expertise can be the difference between a rapid, thorough response or a long, unnecessarily expensive problem. Sport Environmental can help coordinate the proper disposal of affected solids and liquids, sample the release area for the appropriate constituents, review analytical results, make recommendations, restore vegetation, devise remediation plans, and prepare a comprehensive closure report documenting cleanup. If regulatory agencies are involved, we can assist with communication and help your company navigate any regulatory agency's remediation process.

RRC Form H-9 (H2S Compliance)

Let us handle your Railroad Commission of Texas (RRC) Form H-9 compliance needs. We efficiently process hydrogen sulfide compliance forms and our safety-trained field team is available to provide hydrogen sulfide (H2S) testing services, if needed.

Chemical Inventory - Tier II

If your business handles hazardous chemicals -- including crude oil, condensate, and produced water in volumes exceeding their respective threshold quantities, then a Tier II Chemical Inventory Form (Tier 2 Report) must be completed. We assist with this inventory of chemicals, handle the reporting process, submission to government agencies, Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs), State Emergency Planning Committees (SERCs), and local fire departments.

Litigation Support & Expert Opinion

Our litigation support services and expert opinion services are offered to legal teams on a case-by-case basis. We have extensive experience conducting environmental research, reviewing third-party findings, and providing assessments of environmental facts in a manner that is comprehensible to judges, attorneys, and the general public. Should you wish to learn more about our litigation support expertise, please contact us.

Aerial Surveys
(Drone Videos & Aerial Photography)

We have an unmanned aerial vehicle (a.k.a. drone) with a high definition video camera and skilled, licensed operators ready to assist with your aerial photography or video needs. 

Regulatory Agency Representation

Interacting with regulatory agencies directly can be stressful, so let Sport Environmental work with you to navigate communication with regulatory agencies such as EPA, BLM, TCEQ, RRC, NMED, and NMOCD.

LDAR & QUAD Oa (OOOOA) Compliance

With the EPA's New Source Performance Standards Subpart OOOOa ("Quad Oa") in effect, Sport Environmental is available to provide Leak Detection and Repair (LDAR) surveys for clients and to prepare reports required by EPA. We're closely watching how the regulatory landscape evolves with regard to methane emissions, so don't hesitate to check in with us if you have questions regarding this developing topic.

NORM Surveys
(Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials)

Almost all oil and gas facilities have the potential to to generate Naturally Occurring Radioactive Materials (NORM) when operating. We perform thorough assessments of suspected NORM-affected equipment and areas.

Our Radiation Safety Officer (RSO) and NORM surveyors conduct NORM surveys and gather the data needed to maintain compliance with established rules and regulations.