Water Management Services


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This is an overview of the services we most frequently provide. If your company has other needs, our experts have a wide variety of skills that allow us to handle unusual and challenging projects. Give us a call or email and if we can't help you, we may know someone who can.

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STormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires most industrial sites, construction projects, and some oil and gas facilities to have a plan to prevent the pollution of stormwater. At the federal level, the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) regulates the information that should be included in each Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP -- commonly pronounced "Swip"), but since individual states typically administer the program specific requirements may vary. The SWPPP is a living document and should be updated as site conditions evolve or if current Best Management Practices (BMPs) fail to achieve the intended results. The SWPPP should also include documentation demonstrating regular inspections, training, and sampling have been performed in accordance with any permits specific to your facility. Sport Environmental can help your company meet (TCEQ) requirements and can even assist with your training needs.

Water Well Testing

We are equipped to handle most water well testing needs and can discuss laboratory analyses so that your results are understandable and useful.

Public Water SYSTEM (PWS) Services

If your operations supply water to 25 or more people for at least 60 days during the year or has at least 15 service connections intended to supply water for the public's use, you may be subject to Public Water System (PWS) regulations.

Sport Environmental can help your company ensure that your water supply is reliable and safe. Water Operators provide water sampling services, perform disinfection operations, prepare and provide required reports to TCEQ, ensure that testing and reporting schedules are adhered to, and provide assistance unique to each system as needed. Our licensed PWS Operators can assist you in providing safe, potable water to your employees, visitors, and customers.